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Join date: Mar 12, 2021



My name is Ashley and I am excited to start my new blogging adventure and to share with you my crazy busy but completely awesome lifestyle.

I do work full time as a Resource Consultant supporting families and their children ages 0 - 6 with their development and I support them with the big transition to Kindergarten. I am a registered Early Childhood Educator with a graduate certificate in Resource Consulting. I also have a diploma in Recreation and Leisure Services.

My partner Bryan and I breed and raise Purebred Simmental Cows and Purebred Labrador Retrievers. We show our cows and many of our local fairs and we venture down to the Royal Winter Agriculture Fair. We also run our dog in hunt and field trials as this highlights their retrieving skills.

I hope you enjoy reading my posts and if you want to connect please do not hesitate :)

Ashley Balkwill

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